Sometimes, especially after it’s been charging and I unplug the USB cord, my tablet won’t turn on. I’ll hold the power button (which is very quickly losing paint) and nothing.
So, what I do, is to plug it back in, wait a few seconds until the power light turns on, and then press the power button. It usually powers right back up.
I’m sure it’s a firmware issue, because the battery is fully charged after I turn it back on. Then I can unplug it and it’ll stay on.
Another trick is to turn it on BEFORE unplugging it from the USB cord.
I’m loving the tablet. I like the size and weight, but can’t wait until Microsoft’s version of Swype comes to Windows 8. Also bugs me that I can see native apps on the taskbar. I accidentally got that working on my work tablet, but can’t get in done on mine 🙁
Sometimes, the onscreen keyboard won’t show up automatically.
Also, since I have the taskbar hidden for more real estate, it comes up randomly and I have a hard time getting rid of it.
These are all Windows issues, not Lenovo.
Either way, I love it, and it’s fantastic for travelling.
Hope that helps some of you
Val Gameiro
Writer, Director, Filmmaker
Austin, Texas