Upcoming Showcase for Actors

If you’re not on their mailing list, I highly recommend it.

Also, I’m going to be helping to film this — if you know anyone who needs to put a reel together, this will be a great forum. Also, it should get you seen by some local directors, etc.

The Austin Film Meet presents

an Actor Showcase on
Monday, January 11, 2010

Starts promptly at 7:00pm

At The Blue Theatre
916 Springdale Austin, TX 78702 (Behind Good Will)


Please RSVP to me@hcherdon.com. This is important. We expect to fill the house (80-90 seats) and we will hold seats for those who RSVP until 6:45pm. RSVP is not required. Email RSVPs will take priority over Facebook RSVPs.

Please come out to support the actors who have prepared performances specially for you!


Only a few slots remain. You must register to perform. Performance Registration Deadline is Tuesday Jan 5, 2010.

For full details, please read: http://www.austinfilmmeet.com/actorshowcase.html

If seats fill up, actors will be able to watch from the spacious wings.

Some important details….

+ You may bring video cameras but you can’t take up extra seats with equipment.

+ We will skip our regular meeting agenda for this event.

+ We will start PROMPTLY at 7pm, unlike other meetings. So, arrive early.

+ Beer available. Please support our generous venue by purchasing something.

+ Please bring business cards for networking.

For FULL info:  http://www.austinfilmmeet.com/actorshowcase.html

See you there!


H.Cherdon Bedford

C R E A T I V E   S U P E R H E R O

Austin Film Meet Organizer



